Help in Time of Need

Help in Time of Need


“…the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.”  Romans 8:26

If you have a specific request for prayer, EMAIL US. Your request will be added to the Church prayer list only and not published online or on social media.  If you wish to keep your request private only to the Pastor, please indicate that in your email message.


God can lead you through a difficult time or crisis through conversation, prayer, and Biblical direction.  If you attend Bethany Baptist Church or are a Bethany Baptist Church member and would like to talk with the pastor or one of our spiritual leaders about your situation, please email us or call us at 660-376-3377.  

Please call or email to make an appointment.  Don’t drop by and expect to “catch” the pastor.  We want to give ample time and consideration to your need.  That is best fulfilled by contacting us and making an appointment.


Hospital stays, periods of rehabilitation, and extended care can be anxious and lonely times. This results in isolation from family, friends, and the church family.

We want to extend our love and care to those individuals through visits, prayer, and encouragement during their stay in the hospital or extended care.

Let us know so we can visit.

We will need to know the person’s name, a contact phone number, their hospital or care facility, and the dates they will be there